Awake, half a tatami mat; asleep, one tatami mat.
That’s all the space I need.
The sky as my roof, the earth as my floor.
Between life and death, heaven and earth, lies my life.
Unswayed by rumors.
Seeing the truth straightforwardly and honestly, Even if mocked by others, living honestly. Rooted deeply in this world, unmoved by anything.
Crawling on the ground, Covered in mud, Stepped on and trampled by others, I train myself. Living with pride.
Even when storms rage, not fleeing.
Dreaming of distant worlds in the flowing clouds.
Thrilled by the rising clouds.
In spring, blooming delicate flowers to soothe people’s hearts.
In winter, waiting patiently for spring with determination under the snow.
Gazing at the sun.
Not fearing the dark night.
Admiring the moonlight.
Aiming for that star shining in the night sky.
Not resenting being overlooked by others.
Not ashamed of being unknown.
Ashamed of seeking fame and profit.
Living earnestly.
Dying earnestly.
Enduring wind and snow, growing steadily despite being trampled.
Living straightforwardly.
After death, becoming the humus of the human world.
I want to be the grass of the field.
I want to be the grass of this earth.