Whether humanity will perish or not is decided by humans, not by God. God merely approves of what humans deem good. God is a flat mirror. What is good and what is evil is determined by one’s actions.

Of course, not everything is determined solely by one’s actions. Some people are born into privileged environments and live a life of comfort. Others are born into miserable circumstances and live a life of poverty.

Even so, human matters are for humans, and divine matters are for God. Problems in the human world must be solved by humans. Cursing God will not solve anything.

God merely approves of what humans deem good. If humans deem perishing as good, then perishing is also good.

It is destined that humans cannot live alone. Humans are destined to be born, fall ill, age, and die. When born, they are under the protection of their parents, and when old, they cannot live without care.

Humans cannot live without helping each other. Humans cannot sustain the species without loving each other. Humans cannot be saved without cherishing each other. Humans cannot be healed without comforting each other. Humans cannot be at ease without caring for each other. Humans cannot feel secure without trusting each other.

If that is the case, then helping, loving, cherishing, comforting, caring for, and trusting each other must be what God desires.

Because it is by God’s blessing that humans are given life in this world.