The ultimate goal of the economy is sharing.
It is about life, and how we live in various environments. For the young and old, children, men and women, to live happily together, what kind of relationships should we build, where should we live, what kind of houses should we live in, what should we wear, and what should we eat? It is a matter of community, life planning, and happiness. This symbolizes richness. “Money” is a means to live a happy life.
The origin of the economy may lie in urban planning.
Only faith in pure existence can maintain human unity, and only faith in pure existence can guarantee human freedom. God is work, not meaning. No name.
It is work, not meaning. If you seek meaning, it is endless, boundless, and ultimately barren. Just believe.
God is existence. Just by existing, we are saved. I am the one who needs God (smile). Therefore, God is mercy, love, and existence.
What is right and what is wrong is up to oneself. God transcends good and evil. One reaps what one sows. Even if people perish, it is due to their own misdeeds, and God has nothing to do with it. It is people who need God. God does not need people. Therefore, God is love.
Hanging oneself because of debt is because one cannot forgive oneself. Throwing away one’s life for “money” is simply losing to one’s own desires.
God is forgiveness. Therefore, I do not force my faith on others. Faith is purely a personal matter. Only oneself can save one’s soul. If you seek salvation, seek it within yourself, before seeking it from God.
It is foolish to seek the meaning of God. It is oneself who gives meaning to God. God is a pure existence, only work. Therefore, confronting God is confronting one’s own pure soul (laughs), there is no way to deceive. You cannot lie. God’s eyes are also your own eyes (laughs).
If you can acknowledge your faults, repent, and seek forgiveness from God. We can also forgive each other. Because God always forgives us. God is forgiveness. When you realize your mistakes, acknowledge your faults, repent, and seek forgiveness from God. Then God will forgive you. God is your mirror.
Stripping away all impurities, distractions, and waste, burning them away, what remains is pure existence, the soul. That is God. In other words, it is pure and innocent faith in the truth. This is also the fundamental spirit of science.
Believe in yourself, in your pure existence.
You can always be reborn if you return to your pure existence.
God does not wish for people to be unhappy. It is people who make others unhappy.